This morning I had an opportunity to attend a meeting of the Suffolk County Legislators. During the meeting, they took a moment to honor my husband Robert Schwartz for raising awareness, sharing information, advocating for, and documenting the lives of "The Bald Eagles of Centerport"

Rob created the Facebook group in 2017 after seeing an eagle soaring over our backyard. He was in awe... To him, the eagle symbolizes America and freedom. He has been advocating for the eagles and other wildlife ever since!

After spotting the eagles, he bought a small camera. Then a bigger camera. Then an even bigger camera! He started a community of likeminded people and photographers. The group has been able to raise many thousands of dollars which is donated to WINORR (Wildlife in need of rescue and rehabilitation). A calendar is created every year and every cent of the profits is donated to WINORR.

Thank you to Legislator Stephanie Bontempi for choosing to honor Rob today!

As a board member of the Centerport Harbor Civic Association, Rob is a champion of the environment and the wetlands of Centerport. As a Centerport resident, he also knows how hard it can be to safely walk around the Mill Pond, so he requested cross walks on the bridge and near the church. Our group also participates in the yearly pond clean up.

I know that Rob would not want me to post about this proclamation, but I am very proud of him and all of his efforts!

This is the fifth successful breeding season for the Bald Eagles of Centerport. They have successfully raised 13 offspring so far. We must remain vigilant and protect their environment so that they can continue to flourish and future generations can experience the thrill of an eagle soaring over their heads. Thank you again Rob for all of your hard work!
The natural world is a better place when people like Rob make a supreme effort to keep it natural.
Rob and Liz have done a wonderful job in getting the world to understand the importance of our gorgeous birds. I salute you two and the other photographers. You are amazing!! Many years to come!!!
Great job Rob!! with Liz support , and with all the other administrators.Bravo
Glad you have their backs. No one could have done a better job of it. Thank you!